History and culture: Exhibition “Travel photos of Italian photographers of the XIX century from the State Russian Museum” in Saint-Petersburg

1 February 2014

Exhibition "Travel Photos of Italian photographers of the XIX century from the State Russian Museum" opened on January 29, 2014 at the Stroganov Palace (the State Russian Museum) in St. Petersburg.

Italy - an endless source of fascination, inspiration and education for locals and foreigners visiting this world culture at all times. Travelers, including Russian artists and scientists, are here not only the ancient classics, but also samples of different eras and styles of art, promoting the search for new forms and ways of development of national architecture, based on a study of the famous monuments of the past. Compulsory acquisition on these trips of the mid XIX - early XX centuries were photos showing the kinds of ancient country. That is exactly what was collected in the second half of the XIX - early XX centuries by members of the Imperial Russian Archaeological Society - Count G. G. Gagarin (1810-1893), P. P. Pokryshkin (1870-1922), K. K. Romanov (1882-1942) - Italian private collection of unique images of the second half of the XIX century, now stored in the collection of the State Russian Museum.

Presented at the exhibition samples of these photographic prints (about 115 jobs) reflect the creativity of famous Italian masters of photography, unknown professionals of this art form, as well as foreigners working in the Apennine peninsula and considering it their second home.