Internet and society: A study of the audience of mobile Internet users in Russia

28 March 2014
Source: Digit.Ru

The share of mobile Internet users in Russia who go online every day, increased to 61% in February 2014 compared with 56 % in the same period of the previous year, as for the report "Mobile Russia" company NewMR for winter 2014.

In the structure of users during this period, the share of people aged 18 to 34 years increased, which was in winter 2014 53% instead of 48% in the winter of 2013. Also in the same period from 28% to 30% increased in the number of users with secondary education and 30% to 27% decrease in the percentage of respondents with higher education.

Compared with winter 2013 the number of users also increased, owning two mobile devices with Internet access - their share increased to 39% from 31% a year earlier. The most popular category of vehicles in winter 2014 is smart phones, which account is 64% of all devices with Internet access.

Android remains the most popular operating system in the Russian market, while its position significantly increased - from all smart phones and tablets to access the share of Android-devices in winter 2014 was 60%, which is 11 percentage points higher than in the winter of 2013. In Russia, an increasing proportion of vehicles on the OS Windows Phone (from 13% to 16% over the same period), at the same time, the share of Apple devices in the market is reduced (from 16% to 13%).

According to the company NewMR, in Russia to access the Internet with mobile technology is increasingly used Wi-Fi, which accounts for 72% of total connection time among smart phone owners and 87% for tablet owners. Thus most people use home Wi-Fi to access the network.