World culture: Works by famous Italian masters presented in Novosibirsk

28 March 2014

March 28, 2014 at the Novosibirsk State Art Museum opens the exhibition "Viva Italia!" exhibits of which are provided by the M. A. Vrubel Omsk Museum of Fine Arts.

Italy is a bearer of the rich culture and ancient traditions. For a long time it remained artistic and educational center of the European continent "Academy of Europe". Its great past, ancient monuments, mild climate, lifestyle cheerful and talented people - all of this together since ancient times attracted the peninsula travelers, philosophers, poets, writers and artists. The exhibition «Viva Italia!» exhibits the best works that characterize the Italian influence on European painting.

The M. A. Vrubel Museum of Fine Arts has a fine collection of Italian art. The exhibition includes about a hundred works of the XVII-XIX centuries: paintings, drawings, sculptures and decorative arts. Genuine "pearls" of the Omsk collection, one of the most significant works of the master of the first half of the XVII century Alessandro Tiarini "Messengers of the king Abgar to Christ", "Daphne" by Guido Reni.

A significant section of the exhibition is devoted to the works of the great Italian painter engraver archaeologist and architect Giovanni Battista Piranesi. The exhibition presents unique sheets from the series "Sights of Rome", preserved for us the face of the "eternal city" of the XVIII century.

Unique poetry of Venetian painting is reflected in the series of the XVIII century, depicting the famous corners of the city on the water: the Grand Canal, the Palazzo Ducale and the Church of Santa Maria della Salute.

In the center of the exposition - a panel formed in the art Roman mosaic showing one of the achievements of Italian culture in which mosaic art reached a peak.

Relations between Italy and Russia in the cultural sphere also have a long history and rich traditions. Italy has been a place of attraction for many Russian artists who have perfected their skills here. Paintings by G. I. Semiradsky, A. A. Rizzoni, A. N. Mordvinov implemented in "Italian theme" allow to plunge into the life of the Italian city, in touch with the Italian way of life, walk around the streets of Italian flavor and feel of this unforgettable country many times sung by the most famous artists, writers, poets and musicians from different eras.