Monuments of book culture: Exhibition “Treasures of precious words” in Ryazan

25 March 2014

March 25, 2014 in the Ryazan Museum-Reserve, in the Palace of Oleg, opens the exhibition "Treasures of precious words" on the history of Russian book culture of the XV - XVII centuries. Visitors will be able to meet with Russian prevailed manuscripts and printed books, features and basic techniques of their design.

Separately is covered the theme of book monuments restoration of the museum's collection: the Gospel in 1460, the earliest surviving book of the region, the Psalter 1490-1570, which is the only documentary source mentioning the date of the foundation of Pereiaslavl Ryazan (1095), Prince Sinodik of the Dolgoruky 1696-1700, drawn with watercolor miniatures.

In addition to the liturgical books, the exhibition presents historical works, chronicles, business writing, and singing books - keepers of ancient melodies. The exhibition is supplemented with icons and examples of embroideries from the museum.