The Presidential Library: New acquisitions

21 March 2014

The Presidential Library holdings have been enriched with materials received from the State Public Historical Library.

New acquisitions include researches and collections of state acts on the development of legislative activity in Russia and abroad from XV to XX centuries.

In the book by the historian of State and Law, Doctor of Law, Professor Serafim Vladimirovich Yushkov The Code of Laws in 1497 (to the external history of the monument) (Saratov, 1926) is told about the origin and meaning of the Code of Laws, as the first codification of experience as a source of law and acting as a monument reflecting the most characteristic aspects of socio-political system of the epoch.

The economist and sociologist, Professor of the Graz University Ludwig Gumplowicz in the edition General theory of the state (St. Petersburg, 1910) explores the nature of the state, from a sociological point of view. The book is defined the concept of the state, considered the origin, development, forms, its social elements, being a question of law and order.

The collection of articles of legal scholar, journalist, social psychologist and historian Michael A. Reisner State and believing person (St. Petersburg, 1905) includes articles published by the author from 1899 to 1902, which considers the relationship of the state to the church, and which addresses the issues of religion, tolerance, morality and law.

In the same author's book The State: a guide to the lectures from the doctrine of the state. Part 2: State and Society; Part 3. State forms (Moscow, 1912) are considered speech of policy of absolutism, constitutionalism and the national state of the class struggle, the antagonism of economic systems, and etc.

German lawyer Georg Jellinek in the book Changes and transformations of Constitutions (St. Petersburg, 1907) reflects the different ways modification of the basic law of the state as an example of the Western powers.

The edition of the lawyer, Professor Arkady Nikolayevich Fateev M. M. Speransky: influence of the environment on the originator of the Code of Laws of the first period of his life (the 80th anniversary of the entry into force of the Code of Laws) (Moscow, 1915) is devoted to the life, work and environment of future lawmaker since its birth in 1772 until 1796, when Speransky entered the service in the office of the chief prosecutor.

Draft of Civil Code of the Russian Empire, drawn up by the Commission of the laws. Part 1: Part 1 (St. Petersburg, 1809), composed by M. M. Speransky in 1809, was an important milestone in the history of Russian law and the development of methods of scientific development of Russian law. In the first part are collected laws devoted to civil rights (their acquisition and deprivation), rights of foreigners in Russia, civil status certificates, marriage and divorce, legal proof of birth, adoption, guardianship and etc.

On public-legal views of sociological groups is being discussed in the book by George Jellinek Minority Rights (Moscow, 1906).

In a speech in the State Duma 6 (19) June 1906 by scholar, lawyer, sociologist and philosopher Professor Leo Iosifovich Petrazhitsky About Women's Equality (Petrograd, 1915) is concluded a study of position introduced in the Duma of a legislative proposal to grant women equal rights.

The preparation of new materials continues.