Information technology and education: The Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Communications continue a joint work on the development of education in IT-field

19 March 2014

Minister of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation Nikolai Nikiforov spoke ​​at the Board of the Ministry of Education of Russia, where he told about joint work of the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Communications to promote education and research in the field of information technology (IT) and actively encouraged to develop education in the field of information technology, starting with the middle classes schools, including vocational and higher education.

Nikolai Nikiforov said that the IT-industry has played a strategic role in the development of Russia's economy and security of the state and recalled that "The strategy of IT industry in Russia for 2014-2020 and until 2025" was developed by the Ministry of Communications of Russia with the active participation of the Ministry of Education of Russia.

Head of Ministry of Communications of Russia praised the work of the two ministries in the development of IT education at universities and research in the field of IT, and noted that these are the most important directions of development of the entire IT industry.

Also, the Ministry of Communications of Russia jointly with the Ministry of Education launched a program for the development of breakthrough research centers in the field of IT. According to this program in Russia on the basis of existing universities and research institutes will be set up IT centers of the world level.

"We expect that further expansion of human capacity will also occur due to the development of IT areas and in secondary schools. We plan to actively cooperate with the Ministry of Education of Russia in this direction within the framework of the developed world subprogram "Development of information technology industry" of the state program "Information Society (2011-2020 years)"", - the minister added.

For the successful development of IT education it should be prioritized to ensure the connection of schools especially in remote areas, to broadband Internet - said Nikolai Nikiforov. He said that the Ministry of Communications of Russia is already implementing a project for connecting residents of all settlements from 250 residents and more to the Internet via high-speed communication channels. In all these towns or in most of them there are schools that first need to be connected to broadband Internet. This will create a truly modern school with modern communication services.

In concluding of his presentation, Nikolai Nikiforov expressed hope for active participation of the Ministry of Education of Russia for further implementation of measures for the development of industry education and information technology industry as a whole.