History of a book: Exhibition of spiritual literature “There was a Word in the beginning…” dedicated to the celebration of the Day of Orthodox book, in Bryansk

19 March 2014

The exhibition of liturgical and spiritual literature of the XVIII-XIX centuries "There was a Word in the beginning…", dedicated to the Day of Orthodox books opened in the Bryansk Regional Art Museum and Exhibition Center on March 14, 2014.

The celebration in our country of the Orthodox Book Day was established by the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church on the initiative of Patriarch Kirill on December 25, 2009. The holiday is timed to the appearance of the first in Russia dated printed book, which became the "The Apostle", published in Moscow by book printer Ivan Feodorov in 1 (14 - new style) March 1564.

The exposition presents unique printed book editions and manuscripts of the XVIII-XIX centuries from the collections of the Bryansk Regional Art Museum and Exhibition Center, the Bryansk Dioceses and private collections. Among them are the Gospel didactic of the 2nd half of the XVIII century, Psalter and Breviary (the Moscow Printing house of the Holy Trinity Church, 1906), Mine (Moscow, 2ndhalf of the XIX century, the reprint edition of 1646), the manuscript book "The Life of St. Nicholas" (XIX century), and etc.

The exposition also features works by copper plastics of the XVIII-XIX centuries, icons, modern painting of spiritual content of museum collections.