History of a book: Solemn meeting, dedicated to the 450th anniversary of the release of the first dated printed book of Rus’, in Saint-Petersburg
March 14 (March 1, old style) marks the 450th anniversary of the first Russian dated book - "Apostle" by Ivan Fedorov.
On this day in the main building of the National Library of Russia (St. Petersburg) is held a solemn meeting dedicated to the anniversary of Russian typography.
At the meeting will be features reports:
- Anniversary of the Russian printed book: 450 years have passed from the era of Ivan Fedorov to the present day (video);
- About the Orthodox traditions of printing;
- Meaning of the word in Russian culture.
In the Korff hall opens the exhibition "Jubilee of Russian literacy. 450 years of "Apostle" by Ivan Fedorov". Residents of Saint-Petersburg and its guests will have the unique opportunity to see the first printed book - "Apostle" by Ivan Fedorov, 1564. The work by Ivan Fedorov, for many years served as an unbeatable model for generations of Russian printers, and now is also available in digital format.
Unique publications, presented at the exhibition, will tell about the creation of the Slavic alphabet, the oldest written monuments of Moscow in Russia in the XI-XVII centuries, the first book printers in Russia, the introduction of civil font, masterpieces of binding.
The exhibition is complemented with colorful illustrations, images of bookplates, examples of book design.
On the same day in the Rare Book Department starts the exhibition "From publications of anonymous printing to "Vedomosti" by Peter the Great: Russian print of the XVI - XVIII centuries".
The attention of the exposition is paid to anonymous publication printing (about 1555), as well as printing house of Ivan Fedorov and Petr Mstislavets (1564) and their immediate followers. Achievements of Moscow printers are presented in terms of the use of different fonts and change the decoration in the publications. To show trends in illustrating and decorating of Moscow early books on display are unique editions in skilled salaries with colorful miniatures.
Visitors of the exhibition can see a copy of the "Apostles" in the frame, custom made in a jewelry workshop of I. P. Sazikov in 1852.
Among crarities of the exhibition - the Psalter of printer Andronicus Nevezha (1577), the Gospel of printer Anisim Radishevsky (1606), the History of Barlaam and Joasaph, the printing house of Simeon of Polotsk (1681).
The Great Russian first printer Ivan Fedorov played a prominent role in the history of Russian book. His work was distinguished by good citizenship and enlightenment. Followers of Russian publishing business retained these traditions for many years.