Information technology and education: IT-classes to appear in Moscow schools

12 March 2014

The Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation, in conjunction with the Department of Education in Moscow launch a joint pilot project on a profile training of students in the field of information technology. As part of the first phase of the project in 10-30 capital's schools are open classes where children can get as improved mathematical training with a focus on long-term development, and specialized, including practical training in the field of modern IT. Educational programs will be developed with the participation of IT industry companies, and their specialists will be brought to the educational process.

The project will contribute to the development strategy of the IT industry, which has been developed and approved by the Ministry of Communications of the Government of Russia at the end of 2013. The improvement of human resource capacity of the IT industry is a priority strategies and activities of the Ministry as a whole. The project for creation of IT classes in schools starts on September 1, 2014.

The program of the development of IT-education involves within circles for 7-9 grades generate interest among students for STEM-education, that is, the study of science, technology, mathematics and information technology, and to introduce in schools separate IT-classes with intensive study of the entire complex of required disciplines.