To the 80th anniversary of the birth of Yuri Gagarin: Exhibition of archival materials in Saint-Petersburg

12 March 2014

To the 80th anniversary of Y. A. Gagarin the Military-Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineer and Signal Corps (St. Petersburg) opened an exhibition dedicated to the first cosmonaut of the planet.

The permanent exposition of the museum presents visitors photos of Y. A. Gagarin, archival documents, pennants, badges, souvenir coins, issued on the occasion of Human Space Flight. Among the new exhibits – is the book of Yuri Gagarin’s mother - Anna Timofeevna "Memory of the Heart", in which she talks about his son's life. Next - the book of the Gagarin "I see the Earth… ". It also presents photographs depicting early years of Y. A. Gagarin and his family.

The exhibition also features other books of Y. A. Gagarin. One of them - "The road to space. Notes of cosmonaut", prepared by Gagarin jointly with the creative team of Soviet scientists, engineers, workers and fellow astronauts. It is a kind of a chronicle of the first heroic discoveries of the space age. On a book there is a dedication to Major General R. S. Terek from Y. A. Gagarin.

The exhibition is complemented with badges and coins made to various anniversaries related to space exploration, bas-relief of the first cosmonaut by artist N. Sokolov, photos of the first cosmonaut at various meetings.

The stands place posters on the flight of Y. A. Gagarin into space and achievements of the Soviet state in the space industry.

For younger visitors, who will learn about the biography of Y. A. Gagarin, is prepared an interactive part of the exhibition. Specially designed computer presentation demonstrates rare, as well as well-known photographs of the famous astronaut, which are intended to illustrate the main events of his life. Immediately on the TV screen, you can watch a documentary film in 1969 "Yuri Gagarin" directed by Yuri Salnikov.

The exhibition will run until April 30, 2014.