Memorable dates of Russia: Exhibition project “Taras Shevchenko. Pages of life and work” to the 200th anniversary of the poet in Moscow
The State Literary Museum and the State Pushkin Museum with participation of the leading Russian museums and archives to the 300th anniversary of Taras Shevchenko prepared a thematic exhibition project "Taras Shevchenko. Pages life and work", which presents a creative way and heritage value of Shevchenko for Russian and Ukrainian culture. The detailed exposition is placed in the exhibition halls of the State Pushkin Museum at Prechistenka.
A considerable part of material is presented at the exhibition from the collection of the Literary Museum - about 160 exhibits. Viewers will also see the rarely presented iconographic work - friendly cartoon of Karl Briullov, as well as portraits of Taras Shevchenko, written by famous artists Feodor Tolstoy and Leonid Pasternak. Among the artifacts are posters and materials of historical exhibition in 1939 in the Literary Museum, interesting archival photographs.
The first section of the exhibition presents the homeland of the poet - Ruthenia, beloved and lavishly praised by Taras Shevchenko. Watercolors, engravings, lithographs and paintings help to recreate the image of Ukraine of the XIX century. Original element of this part of the exhibition is the installation of light-dynamic – in front of the audience is "revitalized" little Russian village with huts, fences and boundless expanse. Its identity emphasizes colorful exhibits presented by the Historical Museum - traditional clothes, jewelry, household items.
One of the sections of the exhibition tells the story of "Petersburg" period of life of Shevchenko: moving to the capital, his acquaintance with the creative elite, redemption of Shevchenko from serfdom troubles by V. Zhukovsky and other prominent representatives of Russian culture to recognize the outstanding talent of the Little Russian youth, years of the study at the Academy Arts at the great Karl Briullov. The most valuable witness event is Shevchenko’s correspondence with friends and contemporaries (15 original papers presented at the exhibition of the State Archives of Literature and Art).
The central hall is devoted to life and work of Shevchenko, and primarily – to his collection of "Kobza-player". Released in 1840 in St. Petersburg, he became a notable event in the literary life of the time. A special place among lifetime editions and manuscripts of the poet takes the very first edition of "Kobza-player". Its value repeatedly multiplies the signature of the author.
Taras Shevchenko was an outstanding artist. This part of the heritage of Shevchenko is presented at the exhibition works from the State Tretyakov Gallery and the State Pushkin Museum. Visitors will see the self-portraits of Taras Shevchenko, his drawings and portraits of his contemporaries - the Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna, fellow artists: Karl Briullov, Ivan Kramskoy, Basil Sternberg.
The exposition is completed with materials on posthumous fame of Shevchenko, whose works continued his life in painting, drawing, film. Shevchenko’s work and life has always attracted artists who created the illustrations for his poetry; composers composing music for them; directors who set plays and shoot a movie based on his works. Bright exhibits are presented here with the M. I. Glinka Musical museum, the A. A. Bakhrushin Theater Museum, the Central Museum of the cinema.