Society and Culture: "An Academic Whim. A Woman of the Enlightenment" Exhibition in Moscow

8 March 2014

"An Academic Whim. А Woman of the Enlightenment" Exhibition is being held in M. A. Voloshin Library and Cultural Center (Moscow) from March 5 to 20, 2014.

The exhibition presents the Age’s of Enlightenment female portraits, as well as the unique editions of XVIII-XIX centuries, furnishings, the objects of archaeological collections belonged to European collectors of XIX century, and the pieces of decorative and applied art.

The Age of Enlightenment is marked with the beginning of women’s emancipation and the rethinking women’s role in culture and society. The exhibition will be interesting as for connoisseurs of cultural monuments, as for the sociologists, historians, philosophers, genderologists and all those who are interested in the everyday life studies.

"The Enlightenment gave the world a whole galaxy of the greatest philosophers and thinkers, whose outlooks has predetermined the further development of a mankind. But behind all the diversity of the great acts of men of the second half of the XVIII century we are totally lose sight of and underestimate the involvement of the "weaker sex" in this great era. And it was the Enlightenment completely rethought a woman’s place in her current reality. And one of the first public spheres where women could express themselves and state their independence was the sphere of culture. “A diversity of views on the female world in the second half of the XVIII century was the main idea of launching the exhibition,"- comments on the exhibition opening its producer Sergei Kupriyanov.