History of a book: Decade of the Orthodox book, dedicated to the 450th anniversary of the release of the first dated printed book in Rus’, in Bryansk

6 March 2014

March 6-17, 2014 in the F. I. Tyutchev Bryansk Regional Scientific Universal Library is held the Decade of Orthodox book.  

The Day of the Orthodox book was established at the meeting of the Holy Synod of the Orthodox church on December 25, 2009 and is timed to the release date of the first printed book in Rus’ of Ivan Feodorov “Apostle”, published on March 1, 1564 (old style). The celebration will be held in all dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church on March 14.

As part of the Decade, in the regional library is held a series of events to promote traditions of the Orthodox culture, the purpose of which is to attract readers’ attention the knowledge of the Orthodox history and culture.

Readers and guests of the regional library will be able to see the exhibition of the Orthodox literature from the collections of the Bryansk Regional Scientific Universal Library, including unique editions from the rare collection, to see films from the history of the Orthodoxy, to meet representatives of the Orthodox Church, to listen to music reviews in Orthodox traditions.