Electronic books: The pilot project that allows library readers to remotely rent e-books started in Great Britain

5 March 2014
Source: Pro-books.ru

March 3, 2014 in Great Britain started the one-year pilot project that allows library readers to remotely rent e-books.

During the year, four public libraries subscribers of Great Britain - Peterborough, Newcastle, Windsor and Derbyshire - will have remote access to the directory which has more than 1,000 electronic books. To rent a book can be possible for seven or 21 days. Among available books will be both as classic works and new items.

The aim of this pilot project is to "explore in real time and in real conditions the influence of the remote use of electronic books in public libraries, authors, publishers and library services, then to find a suitable and sustainable model for all participants". The experiment was carried out in response to the recommendations of last year's report by William Sieghart - publisher and philanthropist who, after studying the British market of eBook, advised libraries to provide remote access to the national catalog of e-books.