World history: Exhibition of the historical photograph: The First World War. Riders of special purpose” in Saint-Petersburg

30 April 2014

April 30, 2014 in the exhibition hall "Narva gate" (St. Petersburg) runs the exhibition of historical photographs from the collection of O. A. Khoroshilova "The First World War. Riders of special purpose". The exhibition is devoted to the most interesting and almost unknown to the general public the phenomenon of the First World War - Russian cavalry detachments of special importance.

The exhibition presents unique photographs and documents from the collection of O. A. Khoroshilova, becoming the basis of published in 2012 the book "Special detachment". The order of their formation was published on October 30, 1915 by staff field ataman Grand Duke Boris Vladimirovich. Partisans should infiltrate, exercise raids, capture the headquarters, blow warehouses, railroads, working with the local population.

Photographs and documents, contained in the exhibition hall, are supplemented with media applications that allow more detailed study of maps, individual episodes fighting way detachment, biographies of heroes.

The exhibition also features an interactive area for visitors, which posted a modern reconstruction of military costumes, as well as pneumatic shooting gallery with samples of historical weapons (Mosin-Nagant, Mauser C-96).