Memory of Russia: Exhibition “To the 70th anniversary of the 1st Guards Tank Army” in the Moscow region

29 April 2014

The Museum and Memorial Complex "History of the Tank T-34" (the Moscow region) from April 28 to June 15, 2014 presents the exhibition "To the 70th anniversary of the 1st Guards Tank Army".

The First Guards Tank Army traces its history from the First Panzer Army (the second formation, January-February 1943). The army participated in the Battle of Kursk, took part in the Zhitomir- Berdichev, Proskurovo-Chernovitskaya and Lvov-Sandomierz offensive operations.

For outstanding services in battle in April 1944, the Army was converted to the 1st Guards Tank Army.

The exhibition at the Museum of History of the Tank T-34 in detail introduces the main events in the biography of the 1st Guards Tank Army, a special role in its life of tanks T-34 and T-34-85. Museum visitors are presented unique documents, photographs, authentic personal belongings of soldiers and commanders of the army. Artistic layout plays a unique case in the history of the "Thirty-four", which was immortalized by a photographer for the military newspaper "Pravda" by Alexander Ustinov. An integral part of the exhibition is prepared by the specialists of the museum newsreel documentary about the main events of a fighting way of the 1st Guards Tank Army.