Memory of Russia: “Holy Russias. Images and Letters” Exhibition to commemorate the 700th birthday anniversary of Sergius of Radonezh in Izborsk

10 April 2014

State Historical, Architectural and Natural Landscape Museum-Reserve "Izborsk" holds an exhibition "Holy Russias. Images and Letters" (merchant Anisimov house outbuilding).

The exhibition is dedicated to the 700th anniversary of the venerable Elder Sergius of Radonezh who blessed Moscow Prince Dmitry Ivanovich for the holy battle for the Motherland to unify East Slavic lands. Famous artists of St. Petersburg in their works combine scenes of chronicle miniatures of Orthodox icons with innovative techniques and methods of experimental art.

Vivid images of saints and defenders of the native land are made by contemporary artists based on icon-painting tracings of medieval monasteries and popular icons of southern and northern regions of Russia.

Opening of the exhibition was timed to the Holy feast of Annunciation, and along with the paintings and drawings the exhibition displays 27 painted wooden eggs with images of crowned members of the Romanov dynasty.

The exhibition is held under the educational and painting project "Heroic images of the Holy Rus', which brings together artists-teachers and beginner artists - art students.

The project, as well as the exhibition itself, is aimed at familiarizing the younger generation with the shrines of ancient Russia through visual images of its saints and defenders.