History of St. Petersburg: the Diaries of Leningrad Siege at "Private Chroniclers of Blockade" Conference

10 April 2014

On April 10, 2014, at the Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House) in St. Petersburg goes on the "Private Chroniclers of Blockade" conference. The theme of conference is a handwritten and book making culture of blockade days, and the subject of scientific research - the notes, the letters and the diaries of those who were making through in a besieged Leningrad.

A considerable amount of hand-written documents of this time collected in the funds of the Pushkin House. For example, the often remained anonymous diaries were gathered at Olga Bergholz Foundation: after the war Leningrad residents were giving her their blockade entries.

"A diary became a necessity," - wrote children's writer Catherine Boronina whose records became not merely a subject for scientific study, but also an exhibit of specifically prepared for the conference exposition. Here you can see the pictures, photos, unique documents, and, first of all, the blockade times diaries. In addition, for the first time presented the blockade materials from new acquisitions.

Previously unpublished blockade diaries from the Pushkin House fund are collected in the upcoming annual compendium of the Institute’s of Russian Literature Manuscript Department.