Information technology and history: Electronic memorable book of the Kaliningrad region created

9 April 2014

Kaliningrad Regional History and Art Museum, under the support of the Kaliningrad regional public organization "Let’s save the history" and the Memorial service of the Baltic Fleet, presents a new unique online project This is a database containing updated information about the Soviet soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War in the territory which today comprises Kaliningrad region.

Regional electronic "Memory book" helps to systematize all the available information and provide common statistical records of lost and of those who died from wounds and disease, buried in the territory of the Kaliningrad region. Users will also be able to participate directly in the filling of the single database and resource development. The website provides information about the rank of the deceased, the unit where he served, the date and cause of death (he was killed, died of wounds, missing) and the place of burial. Moreover, here you can see the scanned copies of primary source documents from the single database «Memorial»

To date, the database includes 1,088 soldiers, provides information about 165 graves. The development of database continues.

Objectives of the project "Memory Book of Kaliningrad Region" are: helping families and interested persons in obtaining information about fallen soldiers; development of moral culture and patriotic consciousness of the younger generation; preservation and enrichment of people's historical memory.