Book publishing and book distribution:

7 April 2014

Project "Read Russia” is the largest initiative in the history of Russian book publishing, the purpose of which is to introduce the modern Russian literature to international readership. From 7 to 10 April 2014 the project will be presented in the London Book Fair.

“Read Russia” has already been presented at many book fairs of the world and has served as guest of honor at the Book Expo America in New York in 2012. Participation of “Read Russia” in the London Book Fair in 2014 (LBF - 2014) is part of the UK-Russia Year of Culture.

In this regard, Russia has been granted special conditions to participate in the fair. In particular, the Russian capital was invited to become the Spotlight City of the fair. This status will demonstrate the special cultural and educational role of Moscow and attract the attention of media, participants and visitors to the fair to the publishing program of the Moscow Government, which celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2013. Over 750 titles of books and multimedia publications with a total circulation of more than 5 million copies have seen the light during these years. Many of them will be exhibited on the Russian stand.

The program of activities of the Russian stand will include a presentation of Russian initiatives and institutions, opening up opportunities for publishers, translators and literary agents around the world.

There will be presentations of the Third International Congress of literary translators, prizes for the best translation of Russian literature into foreign languages "Read Russia”, and rewards for translations into English - Read Russia English Translation Prize, the first awards ceremony of which will be held in late May in New York. Books by Russian writers, published under the support of the Institute of Translation in English, will occupy a special place in the book exposition of the Russian stand.