History Books: Exhibition " Book Culture of Old Believers " opened in Kargopolsky historical-architectural and art museum
"Book Culture of Old Believer" exhibition was opened in Kargopolsk Historical, Architectural and Art Museum (Arkhangelsk Region).
The exhibition presents the manuscripts, printed books of the Old Believer origin, and spiritual poetry anthologies.
A significant part of the Kargopolsky museum’s book collection belongs to the manuscripts and printed books of the Old Believer origin. Among the Old Believer manuscripts of the museum collection there are the books designed by and circulating among the followers of spread in the region Old Believer currents - the Pomortsy, the Filippovtsy and Wanderers soglasie ("teaching"). The books, released by the supporters of one of the most radical Old Believer teaching - the Wanderers, are most widely presented in this collection.
Such a wide spreading of the manuscripts created by the Wanderers Old Believers was due primarily to the fact that the Kargopolye aria happened to be a spiritual center of Northern Russia Wandering, and the most known mentors and book making masters Wanderers lived here.
In terms of typology created and circulating in Old Believer ambiance manuscripts represent an entire variety of collected works. Most of the manuscripts of Old Believer followers are the compendiums with a rubric focus, compiled to conduct the liturgical practices.