Internet and culture: Online project “The best of the Worlds” dedicated to the history of theatre

1 April 2014

The Russian National Theatre Prize and the Festival “Golden mask” have launched a new online project called “The Best of the Worlds”, the essence of which is comprehensively explains the subtitle: “History of the Theatre, told by itself”.

According to the website of the prize, the project, covering the period from 1995 to 2004, - “is a big theater history, told in dozens of interviews, hundre4da of photographs, drawings, posters, as well as this is a small episode in the bargain”. The launch of the project is timed to the 20th anniversary of the “Golden Mask”.  

The website consists of several sections, such as “Numbers” (statistics of the theater), “Dictionary” (words and expressions, which are used by theatergoers) or “Portraits” (stories about actors and directors, who became the winners of the theatre prize). The section “Cinema” every week will have new episode of the documentary series about the theater, where famous theatre personalities respond to simple questions.

According to organizers, the project will be daily updated: “This is the library of the theater, and it will be updated, finding the details”.