Internet and society: Mobile applications of the search engine Google are introduced with new features of voice search in Russian

29 May 2014

Mobile applications of the search engine Google for iOS and Android have new features of the voice search in Russian. In particular, the service has learned to give and say aloud ready answers to certain types of queries. New technology was revealed be the company on May 28, 2014 at a presentation in Moscow.

Mobile search engine Google can now recognize voice in Russian requests for items, events and people, the weather and the time in different parts of the world. You can ask about the operation of organizations and routes.

The search engine understands given by voice questions about quotes and exchange rates, the results of arithmetic operations and football matches.

According to such voice requests in lieu of a reference mobile Google will give a ready answer. Additionally, the app will learn to analyze relationships between multiple successive questions about the same subject.

New functionality is available to users of Android-powered devices 4.1 and above, as well as the iOS version 6 and above. In addition, the function of "voice search" in Russian is possible with the application for the Google Chrome browser on desktop computers.

Users of Android-devices on the platform version 4.1 and later received an additional opportunity to manage a number of functions by voice. They can ask Google to set the alarm, add to calendar an appointment or a reminder, to send SMS-message or email, to call, to launch an application or a web browser.

For Russian-speaking users of Android is also open an activate voice search function, not touching the screen - just say the voice command "Okay Google" and ask a question.

iOS users to activate voice search have to click on the microphone an icon in the mobile search engine. Finally, to work correctly you need to install voice search Russian as the language of the operating system settings of the smart phone.

To display technology Google created in Moscow "Google.Dom" where it demonstrated their functioning in real-life situations.