Society and reading: The III Interregional Book Fair “Festival of a Book” in Novgorod
From 23 to 25 May 2014 in the Novgorod Kremlin in the Days of Slavic Writing and Culture and the Year of Culture is held the III Interregional Book Fair "Festival of a Book", organized by the Department of Culture and Tourism of the Novgorod region, the Regional Universal Scientific Library and Novgorod Museum-Reserve.
In the framework of the fair on the initiative of publishing houses and the Regional Universal Scientific Library will take place a charity event "Give a child a book" in which anyone visitor can take part, buying and transferring books for children and adolescents.
The Regional Universal Scientific Library will host on May 23 "School of Collections" for municipal libraries of the region, as well as presentations of book publishing house products "North pilgrim", "Bike", "Apriori-Press".
25 May at 12.00 in the library will be held an Open dictation to which is invited everyone to check their literacy. Open dictation is intended to draw public attention to the state of contemporary literary culture. The subject of dictation is devoted to Sergius of Radonezh. Also to the 700th anniversary of St. Sergius of Radonezh is devoted a book exhibition "The Abbot of the Russian Land" which will be presented in the library.