The Presidential Library: New acquisitions

23 May 2014

The Presidential Library collections People and Territory have been enriched with materials provided by the State Public Historical Library.

New acquisitions include publications describing the ethnic composition of the population of Russia in the historical past, as well as consumer side of life of the peoples who inhabited and inhabiting the territory of our country.

S. K. Patkanov in the publication "The statistics showing the tribal composition of the population of Siberia, language and birth foreigners" (St. Petersburg, 1911-1912) V. 1: Summary tables and summary conclusions; V. 2: Tobolsk, Tomsk and Yenisei Province; V. 3: the Irkutsk province, Transbaikal, Amur, Yakut, and Sakhalin based on statistical material of the First National Census 1897 population figures out resettlement and indigenous Siberian population, geographic distribution of individual languages ​, and etc.

The publication of E. F. Karsky Ethnographic Map of the Belarusian Tribe (proceedings of the Committee for the Study of the Tribal Composition of the Russian population, Pg., 1917) covers the basics of determining the ethnographic boundaries. The boundaries of the Belarusian nation, and language in the provinces, given the statistical results of the total number of Belarusians and "Poles" in 1897 and 1917 are identified and the composition of Belarusians faiths. Edition has an application in the form of ethnographic map of the territory of Belarus.

Aleksandr Petrovich Roslavsky-Petrovsky in his review Few critical remarks about the latest research on the population of European Russia (Kharkov, 1852) parses the article of Veselovsky "Space and the degree of the population of European Russia".

The publication of M. F.  Vladimirsky-Budanov Population of Southwest Russia from half of the XIII to XVII century (Kiev, 1886) contains facts that explain the history of settlement of the south-western area. The questions of population (population density and geographical distribution of it in different eras) and ethnographic composition of the population.

The composition of the Atlas population of West Russian region on confessions (St. Petersburg, 1864) was launched in 1859 as head device Orthodox churches in the western provinces Batiushkov based on the data of the Ministry of Interior. The final set of collected materials their development and testing was carried out by Lieutenant Colonel General Staff of A. F. Rittich. In the present edition are shown nine western provinces and a general map of all from western edge. On each map there is the national and religious composition of the provinces. All maps include sources that served to compile the atlas.

The brochure of Nikolai Mikhailovich Karinsky Collection of scientific papers describing the ethnographic turn in the Vyatka region in the second half of the XIX and early XX century [Vyatka 1923] is devoted to the study of changes ethnographic features in the region.

Vladimir Nikolaevich Mainov in the publication Essay of legal life of Mordovians (St. Petersburg, 1885) is focused mainly on elucidating the various features in the views of the people in the legal relations established during a historical life.

Literary critic and professor of the Moscow State University V. F. Riha in Sketches from the history of life till Mongolian Russia (Moscow, 1929) based on the collected walkout monuments and written evidence relating to the individual aspects of life studied era, tried to restore the real life situation of ancient dwellings X – mid. XIII centuries.

The book of historian and archaeologist I. E. Zabelin "Home life of the Russian people in the XVI and XVII centuries" (M., 1918). V. 1: Home life of Russian tsars in the XVI and XVII centuries. Part 1. is dedicated to recovery basis and royal household. The author recounts the history of the construction of the Kremlin and the tsar’s chorus describes their external and internal decoration, gives an idea of ​​the rituals associated with the person of the king, tells of the daily routine in the palace, etc.

Book of folklorist and ethnographer Alexei Alexeevich Makarenko Siberian folk calendar in the ethnographic relation: Eastern Siberia. Yenisei Province (St. Petersburg, 1913) is devoted to Russian folk holidays with religious ritual and domestic parties.

The preparation of new materials continues.