History and culture: Exhibition “Images of Russian saints in literature and iconography” in Izhevsk
On May 22, 2014 the National Library of the Republic of Udmurtia (Izhevsk) is hosting an exhibition "Images of Russian saints in literature and iconography", dedicated to the Day of Slavic Writing and Culture and the 700th anniversary of St. Sergius of Radonezh.
The exhibition "Images of Russian saints in literature and iconography" includes three sections. The literature of the first section "Life feat of Russian saints" introduces research work of a general nature.
The second section of the exhibition "On the saint's life - a line" is dedicated to the literary images of saints. In the works of this section is the topic of spiritual victory of good over evil with the theme of protection of Russia and victory over enemies. The first monument of the Russian chronicle "The Tale of Bygone Years" reveals the theme of choice of faith undertaken by Prince Vladimir.
The main part of Christian literature makes the lives of saints stored in the department of rare and valuable documents of the National Library of the Udmurt Republic. Among the books in this section of the exhibition is highlighted the literature on Sergius of Radonezh.
In the third section of the exhibition "Visible image of Russian saints" the most part of the books is presented by publications covering both general questions of Russian icons and icon-painting images of saints.