Society and book culture: Events, dedicated to the 450th anniversary of the first Russian printed book, in Ryazan
The Association of Book Publishers of Russia (ASKI) with the support of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communication holds a series of events dedicated to the 450th anniversary of the Russian book.
A book holiday in Ryazan, which is held at the Central Children’s Library on May 19-20, 2014, includes a book fair with participation of 16 publishing house of different regions (Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Smolensk, Nizhny Novgorod, Tula, Kaluga, Voronezh), the discussion at “roundtable” of publishers and librarians about propaganda of books and development of national book culture, the meeting with the audience as well as autograph-session.
The official title of the festival is the anniversary of Russian book printing, but a part of presented publications and presentations is associated with other anniversaries – the 200th anniversary of M. Y. Lermontov, anniversaries of Soviet classics – the 120th anniversary of V. Bianka, the 110th anniversary of A. Barto, the 110th anniversary of A. Gaidar, the 70th anniversary of the Week of Children’s Book, which for a long time played an important role in the propaganda of book culture and reading in children’s and youth environment.
May 20, the presentation of new items is also organized in the M. Gorky Regional Universal Library. Here are presented the programs of regional publishing-houses, members of ASKI - thematically dedicated to the history of Russia and its culture.