History and culture: Exhibition “At the Court of Russian Emperors. The Costume of the XVIII – early X century in the collection of the State Hermitage Museum” in Saint-Petersburg
May 16, 2014 in the largest staterooms of the Winter Palace (the State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg) opened a major exhibition "At the Court of the Russian emperors. The Costume of the XVIII - early XX century in the State Hermitage Museum"- slice of life of social circles where reflected many stat , historical and cultural events in Europe, where most clearly showed character and individuality of individuals, which combined Western and Eastern influences, and always maintained national flavor.
This exhibition recreates the image of Russian imperial court through works of art and everyday objects. Paintings, drawings, furniture, silver palace, icons and religious objects, decorations, ceremonial weapons, documents help feel the rhythm of the main royal residence, which took place as the personal life of the Russian monarchs, and official celebrations, receptions, parades and balls. Devoted to state and religious holidays, important events in the life of the imperial family, these ceremonies symbolize the greatness of the Russian Empire and maintained its international prestige.
The experience of the glitz and splendor of the Russian court, so often impressed contemporaries, largely achieved thanks to the rich and exquisite outfits monarchs and courtiers. That is why the basis of the exposition is clothes and accessories that belonged to members of the royal families, and representatives of the Russian aristocracy.
The exhibition aims to reflect the richness of the spiritual, artistic and social life of the Russian court society, changing tastes, styles, fashions and habits over the XVIII - beginning of XX century.
Also on May 16, 2014 in the Arap Hall and the Rotunda of the Winter Palace opened an exhibition "Imperial court servants. Liveried suit of the late XIX - early XX century in the collection of the State Hermitage Museum", which first presents about 250 items of costume and accessories from unique Hermitage complex of liveried Russian court dresses of late XIX - early XX century.
Since Catherine the Great times for a half century for the Russian Imperial Court firmly established the glory of one of the most brilliant in Europe. A significant contribution in this image was made by livery servants.
All servants were required to wear shaped dress. For ministers was provided several kinds of forms: casual, Sunday, the front, the funeral, the output (i. e. street clothes, to go beyond the residence), voyage and working.
The major component of the exhibition is its "personal" start. Thanks to several preserved notes and found inscriptions on the livery suits today became known the names of many of their owners.
In addition to exhibits from the Hermitage collection, the exhibition presents unique documents and photographs from the Russian State Historical Archive, the Central State Archive of Film and Photo Documents of St. Petersburg, and other personal archives of descendants of officials from St. Petersburg and Stavropol.