Memorable dates of Russia: The House-Museum of M. Y. Lermontov is opened after restoration to the 200th anniversary of his birth

18 May 2014
Source: Colta

May 18, 2014 after the restoration is opened the house-museum of Mikhail Lermontov in Malaya Molchanovka in Moscow. According to the State Literary Museum, the house-museum opening is timed to the 200th anniversary of his birth.

After the restoration in the M. Y. Lermontov Moscow House-Museum is extended the exposition, and appeared multimedia equipment.

In the house on Malaya Molchanovka Lermontov lived from 1829 to 1832 while studying at the university boarding and the Moscow University.

This one-storey house with an attic that grandmother of Lermontov E. A. Arsenyeva rented at widow Chernova, - one of the examples of typical building of Moscow after the fire of 1812. Such buildings in the city almost did not survive.

Empire-style mansion in Malaya Molchanovka survived during the huge construction in the early 1960s - then Arbat lanes paves collapsed, was constructed the Kalinin Prospekt (now Novy Arbat), threatened and over the house, where lived Lermontov. It was possible to defend thanks to lermontovedov Irakli Andronikov, he did everything possible to ensure that in 1981 in the house was opened a memorial museum.