World history: “Big Hanseatic Journey – 2014” in Novgorod
May 17, 2014, on the International Day of the Hanseatic Center for Culture and Art "Dialogue" in Novgorod at Hanseatic sign in Yaroslav's Court is held "Big Hanseatic Journey - 2014".
This event is to remind visitors of the city of Novgorod, that the Veliky Novgorod first among Russian cities became a member of the Hanseatic League of modern times, it initiated the creation of the Union of Russian Hanseatic cities, and on May 22, 2014 in the capital of the Hanseatic League, the German city of Luebeck, will be open the XXXIV International Hanseatic Days. News will be that the International Hanseatic Days 2039 will be held again in Veliky Novgorod.
Holiday program reproduces in miniature International Hanseatic days. There will be held a theatrical meeting of guests from Luebeck, colorful concert program. The club of historical reconstruction "Lübeck" will unfold near the Hanseatic deploy fountain a medieval market - it will be the medieval area of Luebeck, and guests can visit in absentia the capital of the Hanseatic League.
In June 2014 in Kingisepp (the Leningrad region) takes place the Russian Hanseatic Days.