History of a Book: Exhibition project “World of a Book” in Moscow
By the All-Russian Library Day, celebrated on May 27, the State Scientific Library, the State Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts and the Center for aesthetic education of children and youth "Museion" from May 16, 2014 represent the exhibition project "World of a Book", in which the organizers talk about what a real book is, what parts it is from, who and how is involved in its creation.
The exposition contains several sections, each of which is devoted to a particular stage of manufacturing books.
A significant amount of exhibits is dedicated book binding, both European and Russian.
The exhibition "World of a Book" – is a fascinating journey into the magical world of books through which the public can discover the unknown pages in the history of the book, and see the rarities that are stored in the collections of the Scientific Library of the Pushkin Museum. The exhibition presents more than 100 books of the XVII - XXI centuries.
The Scientific Library of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts – is one of the oldest art libraries in Russia. Its appearance is connected with the name of the founder of the Museum of Ivan Vladimirovich Tsvetaev. The first books, received to its fund, had previously been in the office of Fine Arts at the University of Moscow. In 1914, as part of the library was already more than six thousand books and journals on the history and culture of the ancient world, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, on related historical disciplines - numismatics and archeology. Library is regularly enriched by subscribing to foreign and domestic publications, through gifts of authors, among who were prominent figures of Russian and world culture.