Memory of Russia: The monument “Farewell of Slavianka” solemnly opened in Moscow

12 May 2014

On the square of the Belarusian railway station in Moscow on May 8, 2014 was solemnly opened a monument to "Farewell of Slavianka", which symbolizes the legendary eponymous march of Russian and Soviet armies and memorializes the heroism of women accompanied their husbands, brothers and sons off to war.

"This monument is a symbol. To the centenary of the First World War, on the eve of the 69th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, we are opening the monument as a way that unites us all - love and honor. People went to war together, and fought together – the Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians. Whatever power, they always fought for their country, for their family, for their faith", - said at the opening ceremony of the monument the Minister of Culture of Russia, Chairman of the Russian military-historical society Vladimir Medinsky.

The march "Farewell of Slavianka" at the beginning of the XX century was written by Vasily Agapkin. This is the most recognizable symbol of Russian music and one of the main military tunes country. For the first sounded like march of the First World War, the music became a major military march of the Russian army, and to this day under the "Farewell of Slavianka" guys go into the army for military service and graduated officers of military schools.

The opening ceremony of the monument in front of the Belarusian railway station was attended by veterans of the Great Patriotic War, representatives of youth organizations and military-patriotic clubs.