To the 69th anniversary of the Great Victory: Photo exhibition “Our Victory!” in Moscow

6 May 2014

The photo exhibition “Our Victory!” dedicated to the 69th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War is held in the Association “Photo center” in Moscow until May 17, 2014.

The exhibition features more than 130 bright journalistic works of famous Soviet frontline photo journalists – masters of military photo-reports of world renown.

In association with the Soviet Army they had different roads of war, capturing scenes of battles, heavy soldiers’ weekdays and rare moments of rest, the bitterness of defeat and the joy of victory, the residents of liberated cities of our country and Europe, defeated Berlin, Victory Banner over the Reichstag, the meeting of allies on the Elbe, the historical Victory Parade on the Red Square…

In parallel at the gallery on the second floor is exhibited a photo exhibition “Memory of the soul” (about 70 photographs), which tells of ways-roads of the “Immortal Regiment” through the cities of Russia and Ukraine (photo materials were sent from 26 regions).

People’s initiative to preserve the memory of soldiers of the Great Patriotic War was born in Siberia in Tomsk three years ago. Last year was held the gathering of participants “Immortal Regiment” in Moscow on Poklonnaya Hill, where thousands of Muscovites came with photographs of their relative soldiers from the family archives. This year, the Regional Patriotic Social Movement “Immortal Regiment. Moscow” is preparing its construction and parade on Poklonnaya Hill on May 9.