National culture: The X All-Russian Scientific-Practical Conference “Culture of Russia in the XXI century: the past in the present, the present in the past” in Saint-Petersburg

6 May 2014

The X All-Russian Scientific-Practical Conference of students, graduate students, young specialists “Culture of Russia in the XXI century: the past in the present, the present in the past” is held on May 6-7, 2014 in the Graduate School of Folk Arts in Saint-Petersburg.

The conference is a unique thematic scientific event, facilitating dialogue of future and young specialists on the issues of traditional applied art and professional education in this field, the preservation, and development and updating of the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of Russian regions. 

As part of the conference will be held the round table “Traditional applied art in the changing world and changing education: a view through the eyes of youth”. The work of the conference is accompanied by exhibition of creative works, master-classes on traditional applied arts.