History and culture: Six Old-Russian birch bark charters found at excavation in Veliky Novgorod

30 June 2014

Six Old-Russian birch bark charters less than for a month were found by archaeologists in the historical center of Veliky Novgorod.

“The first two birch barks were found at the excavation on Bolshaya Moskovskaya Street on June 2 in the cultural layer of the XIV century”, - said the representative of the Novgorod Archaeological expedition. After that the archaeologists found here four “messages from the past”.

All of them are fragments of large size charters. The mostly contain short texts of business character.

Currently the rarities are on the scientific restoration. The turn of the specialists-philologists-linguists came – they study ancient texts. Meantime the excavations still continue. 

The world’s first medieval birch barks the archaeologists found on July 26, 1951 at Nerevsky excavation in Veliky Novgorod. Currently, the number of found be scientists documents exceeded one thousand.