The Presidential Library: New acquisitions
The collection of the Presidential Library has been enriched with seminar-conference "Marketing as an integration tool in the modern library", held on March 21, 2014 by the Presidential Library and the St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts.
The Collection (St. Petersburg, 2014) contains materials on the theoretical and practical aspects of library marketing, modern organization of internal and external space of libraries, integrated marketing communications. It is considered the popularization of library projects in the Internet, including social networks, cooperation of various organizations with libraries. Recommendations for the development of multimedia projects, as well as the formation of a positive image of a modern library are given.
The video materials of separate speeches at the seminar are also available.
The dean of Library and Information Department of SPbGUKI, Professor Valentina V. Brezhneva elected topic of her report Integrated Marketing Communications in promoting libraries (14 min. 15 sec.), the author spoke about their importance, the development of communication policy and the difficulties of this process.
National Advisor on corporate fundraising and communications ICPO "Russian Committee" Children's Village-SOS" Elena A. Milohova Marketing in Nonprofit Organizations (19 min. 23 sec.) spoke about the basic concepts required to successfully raise of funds of organization.
Management specialist of public relations and advertising of GLOBEX Bank Natalia A. Panshina in report How to attract sponsors in your project. View from the other side (6 min. 40 sec.) gave practical advice necessary when searching extra budgetary funds.
On the development of library activities in social networks was told by Chief specialist of the special projects of the Russian State Library Ekaterina A. Shibaeva in her speech Marketing of Libraries in Social Media (10 min. 39 sec.)
On Expanding Library Auditorium, the need of unique interactive ideas to increase its attendance told the CEO Ukrainian Cultural Group, a specialist in the sphere of art economy Denis Belkevich in his speech Library, where it was not expected: advanced multimedia systems in world museums (14 min. 38). Furthermore the author proposed options for the development of the audience of the Presidential Library and the creation of a positive image of Russia abroad through its brand.
The speech of the specialist of the Restoration and Storage Centre "Old Village" of the State Hermitage Museum Evgenia A. Suslova The State Hermitage Museum. Application for mobile devices (5 min. 48 sec.) is dedicated to the popularization of the museum among the population with the help of modern technology.
Director of the Moscow regional center of the Presidential Library Peter S. Tishchenko told about the history and the opening of the Moscow regional center access to information resources of the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library", Pushkino (10 min. 35 sec.).
Deputy Director of the Moscow City Library Center Boris A. Kupriyanov in his report Place of a library in the city (10 min. 35 sec.) spoke about the public library as of a certain public space that is accessible to the user and his needs-oriented. Speaker spoke about the desire to make libraries most open to the public, converting their external appearance and interior.
The publication of new scientific and cognitive and educational video materials at the website of the Presidential Library will be continued.