Russian regions: The new hall of the permanent exhibition “Arkhangelsk – the first gates of the Russian state”

27 June 2014

In the year of the 430th anniversary of Arkhangelsk in the historical and architectural complex “Arkhangelsk Gostiny Dvor” on June 29 will take place the opening of the exposition hall “Arkhangelsk – the first gates of the Russian State”. 

The Arkhangelsk Local History Museum opens its new section of the permanent historical exposition about the significant history of Arkhangelsk – “pearls of the Russian State” in the period of the heyday of the Northern International Trade.

In the plot of the new exposition section – is the inner life of the Arkhangelsk port, the history of Arkhangelsk Fair, the stay of foreign merchants in Arkhangelsk, the first trips of Peter I in Arkhangelsk, outputs and adventures at sea, laying of shipyard and construction of the first ships. The central exhibit of the exhibition space will be the Peter Cross (1694), personally felled by Peter I in the Unsk province of the White Sea, in memory of the wonderful escape during the storm in the White Sea.

The architectural and art solution of the new section of the exposition is based on the use of modern multimedia technology, contributing the creation of the historical and cultural image of the era through a complex of sound and visual impressions. The noise of the river wave, shipping pier, the speech of foreign merchants of two ship piers of the 17 century fill the exhibition space with small household details and special flavor of Arkhangelsk.