History and culture: Monument to Nicholas II opened in the Serbian Republic

24 June 2014

June 23 took place the solemn opening of the monument to the last Russian emperor by sculptor Zurab Tseretelli in the city of Banja-Luka.

“The bust of emperor is donated to the Serbian Republic by the Russian Military-Historical Society. The installation of the monument to Nicholas II in the year of the 100th anniversary of the First World War – is the sigh of gratitude to Russian Tsar and a tribute to soldiers and officers of the Serbian Volunteer Corps, who fought in the World War on the side of Russia, - said the State-Secretary, Deputy Minister of Culture Gregory Ivliev. 

The joint liturgy of Serbian and Russian clergy in the local cathedral was timed to the event. The liturgy was attended by choir of Ipatiev Monastery from Kostroma. On the same day in the University of Banja-Luka took place the round table “100 years of the First World War and the participation of Serbian volunteers in the composition of the Russian Imperial Army”.

The opening ceremony was attended by President of the Serbian Republic Milorad Dodik, assistant of the President of the Russian Federation Igor Shchegolev and Executive Director of RVIO Andrei Nazarov.