World culture: The exhibition “Florentine mosaic from the collection of the Museum-Reserve “Pavlovsk”

16 June 2014

The State Museum-Reserve “Pavlosvk” has prepared to the summer season 2014 a real gift for lovers of Pavlovsk and all visitors of the museum. In the central body of the Pavlovsk Palace is opened an exhibition, which first fully displays works from the museum's collection of historical museum collection executed in Florentine mosaic technique.

The exposition contains 15 museum objects: mosaic paintings and countertops. Of particular interest are ten small pictures of Italian works of the second half of the XVIII century in carved gilt frames. They were purchased by owners of Pavlovsk Grand Duke Paul Petrovich and his wife Maria Feodorovna during their famous trip to Europe in 1781-82 respectively under the names Count and Countess Nordic. Similar mosaic pictures, the size of which approximately 12 × 19 inches, enjoyed enormous popularity among travelers. Images of architectural landscapes, still lifes, animals and birds were collectibles and interior decoration.

The mosaic technique of drawing pictures of ornamental stones appeared in Florence in the XVI century. Mainly it was used marble, different varieties of which differed with a variety of colors and natural picture. In accordance with a picturesque sketch, the master carefully selected pieces of stones based on their color, stains and strokes and collected "picture", thus achieved the artistic effect of the image.

The exhibition also features works of Russian artists of the XIX century, which very successfully mastered the technique of Florentine mosaic, using the wealth of Russian colored stone: jasper, rhodonite, malachite and others.