The Presidential Library: New acquisitions

13 June 2014

The Presidential Library holdings have been enriched with video materials of the own production submitted as part of the educational project "Video lecture "Knowledge about Russia". The project aims to reflect the anniversaries of Russian history and general issues related to Russian statehood. The main goal of the video lecture is the development of cultural and intellectual potential of young people, awakening the desire for a deeper study of the history of the Fatherland.

New acquisitions include video lectures, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the 450th anniversary of the beginning of printing in Russia, the XXII Olympic Winter Games and the XI Paralympic Winter Games in Sochi.

On the formation of the concept "Constitution", the constitutional duties of citizens, the events preceding the adoption of the Basic Law and its significance were told by the teacher of history and social science of the school № 23, an honored worker of general education of Russia A. V. Vorontsov in lectures Basic properties of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Doctor of Law, Head of the Department of Constitutional Law at the St. Petersburg State University of Economics A. A. Liverovsky in the lecture Constitutional judicial normative control in the Russian Federation spoke about the classical principle of separation of powers and the changes of it over time due to legal, constitutional development.

Dean of the Law Faculty of the St. Petersburg State University of Economics V. V. Mamonov in the lecture Development suffrage in Russian Federation reflected the state of the modern electoral law, trends and prospects of its development.

Senior Researcher of the Russian State Library E. A. Emelyanova timed her lecture to the 450th anniversary of the beginning of printing in Russia. The author spoke about the first Russian dated printed book "The Apostle" (1564) of book-printer Ivan Fyodorov and the development of the printing press in Russia.

Head of the department of rare books and manuscripts of the research library of the SPSU A. A. Savelyev dedicated his lecture Editions of Ivan Fedorov in the collection of scientific library of the SPSU to the formation history of research library collections of the St. Petersburg State University and scientists who collected it.

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Faculty of History A. V. Sirenov in video lectures Hand-written and printed book in Russia in the XVI-XVII centuries explored the phenomenon of books in Russian culture of the late Middle Ages.

To the history of the Olympic movement and the first Soviet athletes who brought glory to our sport, was dedicated the lecture of professor of the P. F. Lesgaft NSU S. N. Komarov Russia's participation in the Olympic movement.

The lecture Paralympic sport: status, problems, prospects for development, prepared by Dr. of pedagogical sciences, professor and chair of the theory and methodology of adaptive physical education of the NSU P. F. Lesgaft, the first vice president of the Paralympic Committee of the Russian Federation S. P. Evseev and telling about the stages of development of Paralympic sport in Russia and in the world, as well as the future of international sports events for people with disabilities, read by E. Y. Pelikh, Ph.D., associate professor of the NSU P. F. Lesgaft.

The publication of new scientific-cognitive and educational video materials will be continued on the Presidential Library website.