Society and book culture: Marathon “Book connects centuries: 1814 – 1914 -2014” as part of the Year of Culture of Russia
The Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications as well as the Nonprofit Foundation "Pushkin Library" announce Marathon "Book connects centuries: 1814 - 1914 - 2014" on the portal "Reading-21". As part of the marathon the organizers suggest everyone to make interactive journey with a book on thematic routes.
Thematic routes of the marathon:
- "1814 - Lermontov's history". Dedicated to the 200th anniversary of Lermontov.
- "1914 - Literature of a forgotten war". Dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the First World War.
- "2014 - Travel with a book". Devoted to events held in the regions in the Year of Culture.
The start of the marathon – June 2014.
The Finish of the marathon – October 31, 2014.
Summing up – until November 15, 3014.
The Marathon welcomes school age adolescents and young people, working individually or combined in the team (no more than 4 people, including the head - a professional in the field of books and libraries, parent, teacher).