Society and book culture: Marathon “Book connects centuries: 1814 – 1914 -2014” as part of the Year of Culture of Russia

10 June 2014

The Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications as well as the Nonprofit Foundation "Pushkin Library" announce Marathon "Book connects centuries: 1814 - 1914 - 2014" on the portal "Reading-21". As part of the marathon the organizers suggest everyone to make interactive journey with a book on thematic routes.

Thematic routes of the marathon:

- "1814 - Lermontov's history". Dedicated to the 200th anniversary of Lermontov.

- "1914 - Literature of a forgotten war". Dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the First World War.

- "2014 - Travel with a book". Devoted to events held in the regions in the Year of Culture.

The start of the marathon – June 2014.

The Finish of the marathon – October 31, 2014.

Summing up – until November 15, 3014.

The Marathon welcomes school age adolescents and young people, working individually or combined in the team (no more than 4 people, including the head - a professional in the field of books and libraries, parent, teacher).