Information technology and culture: Virtual branch of the State Russian Museum opens in Kondopoga
June 8, 2014 as part of the celebration of the Day of the Republic of Karelia in Kondopoga is opening the informational and educational center "The Russian Museum: the Virtual Branch" in B. E. Kravchenko Kondopoga Central Regional Library.
The opening of a virtual branch of the State Russian Museum in Kondopoga District Library will be another step in creating a network of information and educational centers "The Russian Museum: the Virtual Branch" on libraries of cities of the Republic of Karelia (Kostamuksha, Sortavala, Kondopoga, Petrozavodsk) and Finland (Joensuu and Kajaani). The Virtual branch opens in order to promote educational and outreach resources of the Russian Museum and the introduction of new forms of library work with the local community.
As part of the project "The Russian Museum: the Virtual Branch" the library will host a few new computers. Here, visitors can explore the unique art collection of the State Russian Museum, presented in the form of multimedia programs and movies in virtual library branch. Public lectures, classes and presentations on the history of Russian art, which will be held in a virtual branch of the State Russian Museum, will also become an integral part of the project "Libraries are changing, new forms of library work to the local community", which is implemented by the National Library of the Republic of Karelia. The project is implemented with the support of CBC Karelia ENPI.