Russian culture abroad: International Conference “Languages and cultures in the modern world” as part of the celebration of the Days of the Russian language in Paris

5 June 2014

June 3, 2014 in the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Paris opened the XI International conference “Languages and cultures in the modern world”. The conference is organized by the National Society of for the Applied Linguistics, the RCSC in Paris with the support of the Permanent Representative Office of Russia at UNESCO as part of the celebration of the Days of the Russian language.  

The Russian delegation consists of representatives of the leading Moscow and Russian universities – famous philologists, linguists, specialists in the field of teaching foreign languages and the Russian language as a foreign language.

The conference is held as a complex event with plenary sessions, round tables, sections and discussions on a wide range of issues: “Russia and the World: Dialogues of Languages and Cultures”, “Cultural and Linguistic Ties of Russia and France”, “Russian Studies in the Modern World”, “Language, Culture and Communication”, “Methods of Teaching of Foreign Languages”, “Language and Thought”, “Sociolinguistics” and others.

From June 4-7, the conference is held on the basis of the school complex of the Government of Russia in France.