Society and Media: The All-Russian Forum of leaders of official media in Moscow

4 June 2014

The event is held with the support of the Ministry of Communications and Mass media of the Russian Federation, the federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications, the Russia Academy of National economy and Public Administration at the President of Russia, the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, leading Russian and foreign representative of the expert community of media.

The main purpose of the forum – is the increase of professional skills of leaders and efficiency of work of regional and local media in the formation of public opinion.

As part of the forum it will be held a dialogue of authorities and the media on the topic "State Information Policy in the regional and local media". The Forum is intended to implement the task of the state to improve the efficiency of interaction between the media and the authorities and implementation of the priorities of the state policy in the media.

Priorities of government information policy and its reflection in the regional media, coverage in regional and municipal government and relevant media critical socio-political issues of the country, the formation of the media agenda, increasing media audiences, the interaction of society, government and the media - these and other topics will be delivered in speeches at the Forum.

Representatives of the regional and municipal media will be able to share pressing issues and positive experience as part of the open discussion with participation of experts of professional community of the public authorities.