Russian museums: Museum Community discussed the modernization of regional museums

2 June 2014

At the State Historical Museum the Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko met with directors of federal and regional museums, dedicated to the Year of Culture.

Valentina Matvienko called important the fact that over the last 20 years in our country almost twice increased the number of museums. In 1992 they were less than a thousand, today – more than 2700. “The attendance of museums seriously increased, that is indicating a deep social need and growing interest of people to their history and culture”. Participants of the meeting discussed the state and the industry of the country as a whole, the level of support of efforts of museum community in regions at the federal level.

As part of the meeting in the format of the discussion were discussed topical issues of the activity of Russian museums, issues of development of the domestic tourism and legislative regulation of the museum activity.

In his speech, the speaker pointed out that in recent years much has been done to improve the regulatory framework in the field of culture. However, active legislative work is far from finished. At the moment we are working on three key documents - the basis of state cultural policy, the Law on Culture in the Russian Federation, as well as the Strategy for Cultural Development in the Russian Federation until 2025.

Speaking about the invaluable role of museums in the formation of citizenship among the youth, Valentina Matvienko drew attention to the fact that in Russia there are many museums dedicated to the events of the Great Patriotic War. “We must continue to move in this direction, to create modern museums devoted to significant milestones in our history - military, political, cultural". In this regard, she said that, as President of the Chamber of Regions, she will ask all the senatorial body to facilitate the organization of such museums in the regions.

To attract a younger audience to the historical and cultural heritage it is necessary to make greater use of modern information technology: "Our younger generation, equipped with all sorts of gadgets, sometimes is difficult to get interested in something, but it should be done carefully". Speaker of the Federation Council considers positive and rewarding experience for international action "Night at the Museum". At the same time, she drew attention to the fact that this wonderful cultural tradition is necessary to develop in the regions.

It is also necessary to ensure the availability of museums for all Russian citizens, including those with disabilities to health. According to the Chairman of the Federation Council, in addressing this problem the new information technologies should help. In particular, virtual tours and excursions. In addition to the active implementation in museology of modern information technology to overcome the cultural isolation of remote regions of the country should intensify Museum Exhibition in the subjects of Russia. This experience is already available: in the regions is actively created subsidiaries of large federal museums - the leaders here are the Hermitage, the Pushkin and the Russian museums. A branch of the Hermitage in Kazan, in the near future, the State Hermitage centers will be established in Omsk, Yekaterinburg and Kaliningrad. This experience can and should be replicated by other large museums of the country, Valentina Matviyenko is sure. She also noted that each region should appear appropriate with all international requirements of universal museum-exhibition halls, centers and branches of the federal museums.