Memory of Russia: The monument to the first governor-general of Eastern Siberia opened in Chita

1 June 2014

The monument to the governor-general of Eastern Siberia Count Nikolai Muravev-Amursky is opened in Chita. A bronze monument height of about 8 meters and weighing two tons is mounted on the ring of streets – the Bogomyagkov-Nedorezov streets. It was made by Buryat sculptor, member of the Russian Academy of Arts Alexander Mironov.

The place for the monument is not chosen by chance - here in the 1850s Transbaikal Cossacks went on the river banks of the Amur to Chita to develop the eastern lands.

Nicholas Muravev-Amursky - Russian statesman, from 1847 to 1861 served as governor of Irkutsk and Yenisei Governor-General of Eastern Siberia. He contributed to the study and development of Transbaikalia as a platform for the acquisition of the Amur territory. He signed an agreement (1858), approved the state border between Russia and China along the Amur River, for which he received the title of Count of the Amur.