World history: International forum “The Great War. Lessons of History” dedicated to the First World War Centenary, in Moscow

31 July 2014

July 31, 2014 at the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War is held the International Scientific-Public Forum “The Great War. Lessons of History”, dedicated to the First World War Centenary. The Forum organizers – the Russian Military-Historical Society, the Association “Franco-Russian dialogue”, the Russian Historical Society, The Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War, the Interregional Public Foundation “The Center of the  National Glory”, the Institute of the History of the RAS, the St. Andrew Foundation.  

The Forum participants will discuss topics related to the origins of the First World War, the names and fates of military leaders and participants of the “forgotten war”, actions of the Russian Expeditionary Force in France, the new political aspects and areas of convergence of EU-Russia cooperation and the value of this cultural and historical continuity of relationships. Discussion platforms: "The First World War: the prologue, history and modernity", "Russia in the Great War", "The First World War in the military-historical memory" will run. The presentations of the project RVIO "Images of the Great War", publishing and film projects about the history of the First World War will be held. Under the auspices of the Russian Military-Historical Society, it will be held a Constituent Assembly Company of descendants of participants of the First World War.

As part of the framework of the International Science and Public Forum "The Great War. The Lessons of History" in the Hall of Warlords will run a thematic exhibition of the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War "Heroes of the two wars. Participants of the First World War - World Leaders".

In addition to the exhibits of the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War, at the exhibition you can also see the materials of the Central Museum of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (items of equipment and military life of 1914-1918), the History Museum of the phone (phones during the First World War), companies "The Standard of Life" (items of military life, dress code, copy the George Cross 4 degrees), Broadcasting organization of the Union State by Igor Ugolnikov (uniforms, banners of the maps of the First World War, and other items used during the filming of the movie “Death squads”) , copies of graphic portraits of full Knights of St. George - the Great Patriotic War, made by honored artist of Transnistria Vasily Rudyagoy.