Russian museums: The representative office of the Hermitage to appear in Yekaterinburg

30 July 2014

The representative office of the most famous Russian museum – the State Hermitage Museum – will be open in Yekaterinburg.

July 30, 2014 in the Yekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts is held a summarizing of the working group visit from the State Hermitage Museum on the occasion of the opening in the Yekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts of cultural and educational center "Hermitage - Ural".

The opening of the Center "Hermitage-Ural" in Yekaterinburg is planned in 2016 to the 80th anniversary of the Yekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts.

Yekaterinburg has a special place in the history of the State Hermitage Museum and the site selection for the center is not accidental. In July 1941, from Leningrad to the Urals in two echelons were evacuated 1,118,000 exhibits from the collections of the State Hermitage Museum. During the Great Patriotic War in the building of the Sverdlovsk Art Gallery for five years was held difficult and responsible work to preserve the unique collections and branch, and specialists had scientific and educational activities. After the war, all the values in October 1945 returned to Leningrad. A special role belongs to the Hermitage Museum of Fine Arts and the formation of its congregation, because the basis for the collection of Western European art was steel works, passed after the war, in appreciation for the support and help in saving the masterpieces.

The Yekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts and the State Hermitage Museum have long-term friendly relations, where repeatedly held exhibitions from the Hermitage collection. Particularly important place takes a unique exhibition project dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Victory - "Saved Hermitage" which became massive and memorable event in the history of the two museums. The opening of "Hermitage - Ural" will become a significant cultural event for Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk region in general. The concept and operation of the Centre provides for exhibitions, lectures, conferences, scientific meetings and museum educational programs.

Hermitage branches now operate only in two Russian cities - Kazan and Vyborg. Two overseas branches of the famous museum are located in Amsterdam (the Netherlands) and Ferrara (Italy).