International events: Days of Moscow to be held in Vienna

29 July 2014

Days of Moscow will be held in Vienna from 8 to 10 September 2014. The main event will be the signing by the Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin and mayor of Vienna Michael Häupl of the program of cooperation between two cities for 2014-2017. In the Austrian capital it will be held round tables on the issues of energy, health, urban and social development, education, cultural heritage protection. Moscow delegation will visit the Central Station of Vienna - one of the major infrastructure projects in the Austrian capital.

Evening of September 8 in the Ballroom of the Vienna City Hall will be held a gala concert featuring soloists of the State Bolshoi Theatre of Russia, accompanied by the Vienna Symphony Orchestra.

September 9, it is planned an economic forum. Participants will discuss the further development and expansion of mutually beneficial bilateral relations, will visit various urban enterprises, medical and social centers.

In the cultural sphere is scheduled to hold a round table on the theme "Education through culture and culture through education in contemporary Moscow - Formula of the XXI Century". An open joint exhibition, prepared by the Main archive of Moscow and the State Archives Department of Austria, will be open.