The Presidential Library: New acquisitions

25 July 2014

The Presidential Library collection has been enriched with materials from private collections.

New acquisitions include publications, dedicated to the history of Jews in Russia, the history of the Don Cossacks (XV-XVIII), life and work of O. A. Eremeyev.

The book of V. Y. Hessen To the Jewish history: 300 years in St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg, 2005) is a historical and natural history research. It is a continuation of the published work V. Y. Hessen "To the history of the St. Petersburg Jewish community. From the first Jews until XX century" (2000) and is dedicated to the history of the Jews in St. Petersburg in 1901-2014. The focus is on Jewish religious institutions - the synagogue, chapels and cemeteries, Jewish education and charity, leading educational organizations, Zionist activity. First is provided information about the origin of St. Petersburg mountain communities, Georgian, Bukharan Jews. The presentation is based on the use of the little-known archival documents.

The book by the same author Historian Julius Hessen and his relatives (St. Petersburg, 2004) is devoted to the activities of Julius Isidorovich Hessen, his work on the history of Jews in Russia and other historical topics. It widely presents information on the history of the genus Hessen during the XIX and XX centuries, investigated the fate of its individual members, many of whom were victims of repression.

The book Economics and History: a collection of the main items: to the 85th anniversary (St. Petersburg, 2013) presents some of the most significant items of the economist and historian V. Y. Hessen. They were preceded by a brief description of the way of life with a more detailed coverage of the events, which were, in my opinion, the most significant. Placed in the collection articles describe the main ways in which the author carried out historical research (Hessen’s family history, history of entrepreneurship in Russia, Jewish educational associations, etc.).

The book Family of the Voznesenski - high and tragic fate (St. Petersburg, 2013) describes the history of the genus Voznesenski in the first half of the XX century, when they played an important role in the life of the country, its economy, especially during the Great Patriotic War, the establishment of economic education and other spheres. A considerable attention is paid to such events in the life of the country, as the fight against "cosmopolitanism", "The Leningrad Affair".

The textbook of V. I. Gomulov Pages of History of Don Cossacks (XV-XVIII) (Volgograd, 2012) is created by the author with a view to compensate the shortage of literature on this topic. The publication highlights some of the most significant events in the history of the Don region and shows the destiny of extraordinary personalities involved in them. Each chapter concludes with control issues and tasks.

The book Half a century with the Academy of Fine Arts: (Rector’s notes) (St. Petersburg, 2003) contains memoirs of People's Artist of the Russian Federation, Member of the Russian Academy of Arts, a full member of Peter's Academy of Arts and Sciences, Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, a member of the St. Petersburg Union artists, Professor Oleg Arcadievich Eremeyev. The artist sums up many years of creative and educational activities.    

In addition, we give two catalogues with the artist\s works: Temples. Fortresses. Monasteries (Pskov, 2006) and People's Artist of Russia, member of Arts, Professor Oleg Eremeyev (St. Petersburg, 2008). In the first are collected works devoted to the Old Russian and European church architecture, in the second - the portrait of the artist.

The preparation of new materials continues.